Our mission is to empower people living in poverty so that they may live lives of dignity and well-being.

Our vision is to free communities of hunger and poverty, yet full of human values, where no one is left behind and each person can be a productive part of society.
Fundamental Principles
Located in Southern California, INSAN for Humanity builds upon the rich history of the projects of INSAN India. We operate on the following fundamental principles:
No human being should be hungry, lack education, and suffer needlessly. Every human being is entitled to basic human rights.
Human Dignity
All lives are precious and every human life deserves respect and dignity.
Awareness and education are keys to solving many societal issues, such as hunger, poverty, educational disparity and other challenges we face as humanity.
We believe education is a means to transform lives, society, and serve humanity.
The challenges of homelessness, hunger, poverty, educational inequality, and other challenges we face on societal and global fronts can be best realized and mitigated by active engagement, particularly youth volunteerism.
Inherent in every human being is the desire to do good for others. This will ultimately forge long-term solutions to alleviating hunger and poverty and other issues.
Homelessness, hunger, and poverty are age, color, creed, gender, language, region, or religion blind. Working together for the common good, and with our compassionate, concerted, impartial, unbiased, and neutral efforts, we can achieve our goal of eliminating these human challenges.